The Reformed Deacon

Disabilities and the Church

Season 1 Episode 11

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In this episode of The Reformed Deacon, David Nakhla and John Voss talk with Stephen Tracey, pastor of Lakeview OPC in Rockport, ME on a topic that might seem overwhelming to churches and may be overlooked, “Disabilities and the Church”.

This is a powerful and helpful episode and should be required listening for every Christian—certainly for elders and deacons. It will open your eyes to some of the challenges the disabled and their families face in relationship to the church.

In his three simple steps to minister to and with those with disabilities, Rev. Tracey suggests, "Be a welcoming church, be a welcoming church to anyone, and do what you can."

Referenced in this episode:

Pastor Stephen Tracey’s recommended reading on disability:

  • Beates, Michael S., Disability and the Gospel: How God Uses our Brokenness to Display His Grace, Wheaton, IL, Crossway, 2012.
  • Hammond, George C., It Has Not Yet Appeared What We Shall Be: A Reconsideration of the Imago Dei in Light of Those with Severe Disabilities. Phillipsburg, NJ, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing, 2017.
  • Hubach, Stephanie O., Same Lake, Different Boat: Coming Alongside People touched by Disability, Phillipsburg, NJ, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing, 2006. Revised and updated edition, 2020.
  • Macaskill, Grant, Autism and the Church: Bible, Theology, and Community. Waco, Texas, Baylor University Press, 2019.
  • Some very useful, free booklets are available from Joni & Fiends, providing a broadly evangelical approach to many practical aspects of disability. Many suggestions can be adapted for use in various local situations.
  • Brueck, Kate, Start with Hello: Introducing your Church to Special Needs Ministry, Agoura Hills, CA, The Irresistible Church Series, Joni and Friends, 2015. 
  • Lillo, Debbie, Doing Life Together: Building Community for Families Affected by Disability, Agoura Hills, CA, The Irresistible Ch

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